The usage stats aren’t super relevant, but they’re interesting and perhaps even surprising, so here we go… (Fun psychology fact: you will guess the opposite to whichever OS you use.) Thanks, 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | on Unsplash Some usage stats Side note: I reckon I do a pretty good job of being objective down below, so as a fun game, see if you can spot which OS I’m secretly a fanboy of. So if you’re looking to buy your first machine, or considering switching sides, or even toying with the idea of becoming bi-systemal, then maybe this post will be useful and my existence not so unnecessary after all. Occasionally I get asked why on earth I would choose to use one or the other, and this post is an answer to that question. My desktop beast at home is a collection of parts cobbled together over the years in a case the size of a small car, running Windows 10. Currently, my walkin’ about weapon of choice is a 15' MacBook Pro in space grey with a space grey interior. Since 2015, I’ve been using both Windows and macOS in about a 50/50 split.